Malvi-Technologies offers technology packages
Make money from RO Brine before throwing it away. Use RO brine, if available, for salt source and not your usual seawater or table salt to produce hypochlorite.
Our process avoids equipment scaling issues, provides salt cost savings, and consumes less power. Call us to know how.
Malvitechnologies offers a variety of technology packages and processing engineering consulting.
Cost Model For Lithium Hydroxide production process
On-Site On-Demand Sodium Hypochlorite Generation from RO brine
Ammonium Perchlorate Production from Sodium Perchlorate
Feasibility Study of Chemical and Metallurgical Processes
Malvi-Tech completed feasibility study to produce lithium hydroxide from lithium carbonate for a major potential lithium producer in May 2015. The study is based on Malvi-Tech’s proprietary electrochemical process.